A New Look For KartSportNews.com

KartSportNews.com has been bringing you the latest karting news for over three years now. But in that time, the 'look' of the site has changed very little. Until now.

A fresher, cleaner look for 2008, plus new content features during the year, will keep KartSportNews as Australia's #1 source of online karting news and information.

In addition to the latest news, lots of other areas of the site have been upgraded. We encourage you to click-around to reacquaint yourself. While there are several of the old 'orange' pages still in use, these will be gradually phased out. Plenty of new features and pages will roll out over the coming weeks and months.

The plan for 2008 is to keep doing what the site is already famous for - to cover Australian competition kart racing, from both the sporting and industry perspective, for all types of karting across all sanctioning bodies.

We had been working on this upgrade for some time, but with our focus on getting the news uploaded almost every day, the appearance of the site had to take a back seat. The Web Master (that's me) and the Art Director (that's me also) tinkered with the old 'orange' site from time to time. But the Editor (yup, me again) and Advertising Manager (guess who...) demanded the time be spent on more important things.

The Finance Director (the stingy bugger) would not blow the budget to have the design outsourced, thus the delay until it could be done in-house.

For those of you into stickers, the new version ones will be available soon.

And remember - It's not karting news unless it's on KartSportNews!

kartsportnews is number 1


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