KIAA Launches Industry Website

press release

The Kart Industry Association of Australia (KIAA) has just released its new web site, which President Ian Black says will allow it to recruit members and communicate its activities.

“A major focus for us”, says Ian, “is to diversify our membership, by including everyone from kart shop owners and engine builders, to online magazine publishers and track owners”.

Ian went on to say that “The Kart Industry in Australia is large and very diverse, and we need to cater for everyone if we are to be successful. So the web site is the first step towards this goal”.

The web site can be found at and whilst targeted mainly at the Karting Industry, everyone is welcome to visit. For example, it is recognised that potential new karters will come across the site in their quest for information about this great sport, so the site provides some basic information and links to the sanctioning bodies, as well as KIAA members who can assist them with products and services.

“We particularly invite the industry to read about us, and submit an application to join online”, said Ian. “But applicants must be aware that we will be enforcing a strict code of conduct on our members.”

One interesting feature of the web site, is the ability for any karter to submit details of a stolen engine or kart. This information will then be circulated to all KIAA members, in the hope that engine or chassis turns up in a kart shop in the future.


KIAA is the official body of the Australian Kart industry and currently comprises of the following organisations.

Drew Price Engineering
Edwards Wheels
International Karting Distributors
Phoenix Race Karts
Remo Racing
St George Kart Centre
Yamaha Motor Australia

For further information contact

Media : Ian Black (02) 4735 1344
Membership information: Sylvia Stania (03) 9366 5483


