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Stolen Items Recovered

A Thank You from Crack Motorsport

Hi All,

In under a week with the co operation of many (and encouragement from others) it appears that this afternoon I have been able to recover the majority of the goods stolen from Crack Motorsport including Karts and Tools.

I would like to thank the people that assisted in no particular order:
Jackson Evans
Steve Evans
Tim McMasters
Zane Wyatt
Kevin McKinnon
Mark Sergeant
Steve Bricknell
Jenson Button

I would also like to thank Dale and Marlene Madden for the email system that they have set up to communicate with Karters enabling the rapid response and the way that they communicated to send information for me. With out this we probably would not have seen most of this gear again.

If anyone can use the following business please do as they supplied information and access to CCTV footage that assisted:
Jackson Suzuki
BP Morty’s
Shell Wellington Street
Davies Grand Central
Classy Ladies
Launceston City Council
Tasmanian Police Force

I would also like to thank my customers that have put up with me not being available most of the week whilst I conducted my investigations in conjunction with the police (I’m sure some thought I’d been locked up each time I told them I was at the Police Station).

There are also two (sore) chaps that know now not to mess with Karters.

Final word thank you all and KARTERS RULE.

Ross Crack
Crack Motorsport.


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