Righetti Ridolfi Inlet Silencer Homologation Reinstated

The CIK-FIA Commission has accepted to restore the homologations for Righetti Ridolfi brand inlet silencers NOX 23 and NOX 30. These airboxes had their homologation cancelled in January (see news article HERE).

"Having been informed of the Manufacturer’s arguments and of the measures he has committed himself to taking in order for his products to be made to comply again, the CIK-FIA Commission has exceptionally accepted to restore the homologations, subject to a number of requirements being met" the CIK-FIA has stated. 

To be used in CIK-FIA competition, the inlet silencers NOX 23 and NOX 30 must now include an additional absorbing internal acoustic element.

The additional element (the white piece, right) requires no modification to the initially homologated inlet silencer.

The CIK-FIA has also issued a "significant" fine to RR for the breach.

As part of the agreement, Righetti Ridolfi have to supply the additional absorbing internal acoustic element free of charge to all customers who own the null and void model.

The new homologation documents, which are henceforth the only valid ones, bear numbers 16/SA/18-02/01/SUP (NOX 23) and 19/SA/18-02/01/SUP (NOX 30).

To view the new Homologation Forms of the Righetti Ridolfi NOX 23 and NOX 30 inlet silencers, visit the CIK-FIA website HERE


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